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The word black magic induces curiosity in the minds of everyone. Usually, when we hear about the likes of black magic, our imagination drifts towards dark mysterious places with skulls, demonic figures and fabric dolls with nails in certain geometric pattern, tantriks and witches; obviously as we generally see in movies.
Black magic exists in real world and is done for self interests and evil practices. It is instrumental for seeking revenge under the influence of jealousy or hatred.
Black magic can be performed in many ways. As known that one can perform a black magic by getting DNA signatures from hairs, nails, skin tissue, blood, saliva, clothes and a photo. Along with this the effect of the black magic can also be performed by placing charged items at someone’s place, through thought energy, by spells and curses.
People who are not shy and are confident will just come out and have a fight when they seek revenge or they will challenge the opponent. They express their anger, disliking and disgust openly.
But for shy and unconfident people, fighting brings embarrassment and lowers their respect in the society. The feeling of shame and embarrassment is very strong among them. They cannot bear another person’s contempt for them; to violate public opinion is a very discordant and awkward sort of thing for them.
Because of this, many of them use indirect methods like black magic. They go on off to a skilled person who practice dark occult and provide him with a big amount of money. Usually person dealing with evil practice can’t deny the amount and he will put a spell on the victim. The victim who’s been bewitched will go under the influence of black magic and will start suffering accordingly, once the spell of black magic is cast on him.
Black magic can affect both the person as well as the place. Under the influence of this a healthy and prosperous home can transform into a sick house.
In different cultures, dark magic is performed in different ways. Likely in the form of Tantric Vidya, Voodoo, Kala Illam, Witchcraft, Tunaa, Satanism, Hexing etc. There are many ways in which black magic is practiced. The following are most commonly used. by the weak people.
In this practice, special things like animal bones, herbs, fruits etc are charged with the power of black magic. Then these items which are full of negative energy now are planted at a particular place related with the victim. It can be their home, office, courtyard, wardrobe, kitchen, bedroom or any suitable place where the spell cast ‘Toona’ will give maximum damage to the victim and the maximum benefit to the person for whom it was done. The life of the victim becomes haphazard. They or any other family member may fall seriously sick, the job or business may end and even the there may be state of unhappiness in and around the house.
Spells are some meaningless words which when chanted on specific sound frequency, start giving negative effects to the victim. These vibrations are given a path to reach the target through the DNA signatures of the target which can be easily obtained from the used clothes or shoes, hairs, nails, blood, saliva and photo. Spells work very efficiently on under garments, socks and handkerchiefs.
The generation of this modern era doesn’t like to believe in occult science. May be this is due to lack of knowledge in occult or we are taught to see such things like a superstition. We are taught to believe in what we see and not in what we feel.
We are taught to believe in what we see and not in what we feel. It is easy for science to label such symptoms as psychological issues (bad mental health) that also when the science is only able to understand only 10 percent of human brain.
Hexes and spells are only done by those who practice witchcraft. Similarly like Toona victims, the spell victims get tremendous bad effects.
Spell energy can be transformed and neutralized under the guidance of spiritual healer.
Thoughts and emotions are energetic expressions of human consciousness. We all agree that thoughts are real; but would it surprise you to know that your thoughts exist outside of your head! Quantum mechanics, which is the most powerful explanation of reality as we know it, has demonstrated that every particle has an associated “information wave” or wave envelop that travels with and guides the particle. Particles always move slower than the speed of light while the information waves guiding them always move faster than the speed of light. From this perspective, thought and intention are seen as an informational part of the transduction of energy from higher dimensional, faster than light waveforms into our familiar 4 dimensional sub-light speed particle world. A thought energy field is viewed as a collection of thoughts or attributes that are inter-related by their common theme or experience and bound together as a functional unit.
Although, it is also a type of practice but it is easy generally. Due to jealousy, hatred, inferiority complex and all other sort of negative emotions, people start creating thought energy in their mind towards the victim or towards whom they have negative thoughts. When the emotional residue of this thought energy reaches on a specific point, it starts vibrating as negative energy. The later starts affecting the victim. It is also known as Nazar Dosh. This type of black magic is very commonly found in people because when evil eyes and evil thoughts are put on someone, it automatically starts generating negative energy. The modern lifestyles and the way people flaunt their life and possessions on social media, makes them vulnerable to Nazar Dosh.
Imagine your friend, relative, neighbor or an acquaintance posting photos of their newly acquired diamond ring which they got as anniversary gift or the holiday photos of an international destination on social media! Such a public show of personal moments can attract Nazar Dosh.
In the world full of competition and comparison, nobody likes to see you ahead them. By making a public show, you are provoking them to generate negative thought energy against yourself.
Moreover, it is a human nature to get more attractive to what you don’t have or what you are incapable to get.
The real meaning of Bandhan is to make a bond with someone, like Raksha Bandhan (Protection) a bond between brother and sister and Vivah Bandhan (Marriage) a bond between a husband and wife.
Earlier, the practice of bandhan Kirya was performed according to vedic rituals in order to maintain good relations and understanding between the two. It helped in making honest relations and obedience towards each other.
But under witchcraft, Bandhan Kirya is performed for an evil practice. It is performed by the person through witchcraft in order to make a bond against others will. It is also practiced to bring misfortune to the victim and prevent their success. Not only persons, places are also bonded through Bandhan Kirya.
witchcraft. In this process the DNA signatures of the victim is required which are very easily accessible to the wrongdoer.
Now a day, a new concept of Love Spell is also trending. It is nothing else but a type of Vashikaran. It is also a form of Bandhan Kirya and is performed to gain the love of the other person, no matter whether the other person loves you or not. It is also done to trap a person in order to marry them. Such Vashikarn is done to extract other’s wives or husbands for their self interests. Such practices lead a happy family towards huge financial loss and emotional trauma.
There are many reasons for people to perform Bandhan Kirya like for sexual desires and for financial profits. Earlier, the practice of Vashikarn was performed to restore the estranged relations.
In this the person gets under the influence of dark energy when he unintentionally comes in the way of the energy field. Such ares are usually prohibited. This thing mostly happens to children and women who are considered to be psychologically weaker than adult males.
It is mental disorder. But why there are no same symptoms in all mental disorder cases likewise in other diseases. Why all patients of mental disorder behave differently from each other. They have different languages which are never heard before, different voices, different animal behavior, different temperaments and different personality.
Whatever lies in the universe lies within us. They vibrate in specific frequency making our behavior normal to others. These vibrations of energy also differentiate our behavior from each other.
The Newton’s third law of motion is applicable here “Every action has equal and opposite reaction”
The person starts behaving abnormally when they unintentionally come in the way of such energy fields which are usually called dark energy fields. This makes the change in the frequency of their vibrations and person gets under the influence of dark energy. There are many such areas on earth which are usually prohibited. This thing mostly happens to children and women who are considered to be psychologically weaker than adult males.
Mostly such energy fields are very active along the river sides’, abandoned places, jungles, deserts, cremation places, cemeteries, old trees, abandoned temples and churches. Such dark energy field automatically becomes active in taverns, brothels and mortuaries due to the leftovers of pain, eagerness, loneliness, hatred, jealously, frustration and sadness in form of thought energy.
There are many places mentioned in ancient documents where energy levels are high, even modern science has also started documenting the facts of ancient documents. So it is no more a superstition. Sometimes, people visit such spots for adventure or to get fame, it is definite that they have to face the consequences of it. Even, there are many religious places where there are gender based restrictions. It’s not due to gender equality; it’s because of the specific energy field which was noticed by ancient Saints which may leave influence on the feminine energy.
The curses are most dangerous and long lasting form of black magic. They not only affect the person but also affect the places. No matter who lives there? Sometimes the affect of curse moves on to next generations. It is very difficult to trace and build protection from the curses unless one needs to break this bond by heart.
Curses are not made by the witches; the curses are made by a commoner who had experienced injustice and deep pain at the hands of others in power. Curses can put a deep effect to which it was given. The curse is generated intentionally and the energy of deep pain due to injustice makes it more powerful than spells. Spells may have self interest and could be the result of jealous or hatred but the curse is generated without self interest. Curses collaborate with soul and imprints in the memory of sub-conscious mind.
No matter you move on from one life to another, the curses imprinted on sub-conscious mind will also move on from life to life until the one is justified. The words have power, when vibrated on specific frequency (pain), it can deeply influence the other. The curses may also affect others who come in its way with intention to manipulate it.
Curses are always generated along with its end as because they expect justice. Curse has a forgiveness nature. As curses move from lives to lives it is difficult to trace its end. The only way to end it is first to trace its origin and then atonement. If one goes on right path with atonement whole heatedly, the curses that had moved from lives to lives can disappear in seconds.
Curses have one more important nature. Curse indicates you in different ways in form of dreams, imaginations, and thoughts and sometimes in real to feel you guilty and a chance for atonement.That’s why it is always said that don’t ever hurt someone to such a level that a curse comes out of it. Curses are often said to be a voice of soul.
Yes, definitely you will need a spiritual healer to end it. But the truth is that the curse will take you to the spiritual healer to provide one with justice.
Although affects of any kind of black magic are not permanent, they definitely hit back the performers who often are not aware of the consequences. The affected victims will obviously try to find the way to get rid of it when they become aware of the fact that they have been infected by some witchcraft. After the treatment, the black energy automatically reflects back, from where it had originated. The practitioners of witchcraft are already aware of it and they have solutions and remedies to deal with it. But the real sufferer is the person, the wrong doer who initiated the whole process. The Newton’s third law of motion is applicable here “Every action has equal and opposite reaction”
We at Urjaa Dham help such people who are affected by these energies and help them in neutralizing or transforming energies. Our first option is to neutralize the energy, so that we may not get involved in any Karmic field. Rest depends upon the vibrations of energy that it wants to be neutralized or transformed.
We at Urjaa Dham use different type of therapies to free our victims from the effect of such energies. These energies leave great impact on individual’s psyche, resulting in psychological disorders and behaviors. We use hypnosis, vibration therapy, Yantras, Spiritual baths and counseling. This helps in increasing their internal power to fight against such external unwanted energies.
Our body is built up of all the elements and energies present in this universe. In normal human behavior these elements and energies vibrate in specific frequency. When due to some unknown reasons they started vibrating in different frequencies we see the change in behavior. Minor change in their frequency results in mood swings but if there is major change in their frequencies they will start behaving abnormally. The elements may affect our body but energies mostly affect our brain because they reside in our brain. In ancient literature it is clearly mentioned that” You itself are a universe, to understand the universe understand yourself.
Note: As a doctor, who can diagnose the problem and prescribe you a medicine, can’t take the doze of medicine itself to treat you. Same way, we are here to find the problem and guide you, it is your suffering and you have to treat it by yourself to get out of it.
Before proceeding, we need a complete discussion with the service seeker via telephone or video call or in their physical presence (if it is possible for them).
Service seekers are requested to send us the samples of water and soil from their place. If the degree of black magic is high and is leaving physical impacts on individuals, we may equire DNA signatures of individuals like hair, nail samples along with.
After samples are received, they are analyzed at our research center.
The findings are reported to the service seeker along with the remedial assessment.
We can provide you with free consultation, but to develop a Yantra and to conduct a therapy, we need to meet expenses. Keeping it in mind the nature of services provided by us, we do not provide any refund or return policy. You are requested, to make everything clear before proceeding towards the development of Yantra.
However, we provide cleansing and spiritual healing services but we never compel anyone to acquire the remedial services from us. They are free to find the healer of their faith.
We put our best efforts but we never assure the 100% results as there are undefined and unexplained energies involved in such cases and laws of energy world are so vast that they are beyond reach. Performing our best is our self interest, so that we could have good basket of evidences to show in our research center.
After the consent of service seeker, Yantras are developed in our research center which may take more than a week. The process of development and charging the Yantra may take weeks; they are handed over to the service seekers after our full satisfaction. So patience is required.
In some extreme cases, to lower the vibrations of black magic some Vedic rituals may need to execute which may include some Puja or Spiritual bath.
QUS: How do I know that I am under influence of black magic?
QUS: How would I know that placed items are of evil practice?
QUS: I don’t believe in black magic, will it affect me?
QUS: Do your services applicable on all religions?
QUS: My religion doesn’t believe on such existences?
QUS: What should I do if I found such placed items?
QUS: I don’t have any enemy, shall I consider myself safe?
QUS: Do I have to send you the found items to analyze?
No, you need not to send us the placed items. The items when placed will influence your place and its energy will be imprinted on the soil crystals and water memory. We will need the soil & water samples of your place. It is good to photograph the found item.
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