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Urjaa Dham Foundation (UDF) registered under societies act 1870 was established in 2010 at Nakodar, Punjab, India with the purpose of spreading spiritual vibrations throughout the world. It was established to provide treatment to those problems which are beyond the reach of medical science with the help of ancient Vedic Science. The main motive of this foundation is to build up a strong nation having healthy mind and healthy body.
May be there are different religious beliefs, if they are properly decoded; we will find that they all end at same point of thoughts. We can’t deny that, every religious follower goes to a respective religious place to seek the fulfilment of such demands and desires which can only be fulfilled by the supreme almighty.
Another purpose to establish the Urjaa Dham Foundation (UDF) was to remove and discourage certain religious practices that are practised by religious bodies for their self interests.
The five major energy forms that are necessary for all humans for their survival and well- being on earth at the time of ‘Kaliyuga’ are placed at the premises of UDF in the form of idols, the part of which is named as Shani Hanuman Urjaa Dham.
According to Puranas (ancient documents), “Aatma (soul energy) is immortal, it neither dies nor takes birth”. The later was considered to be a topic of pseudoscience earlier. But now, Einstein has proved that ‘Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, it can only be transformed from its one form to another’ (although this same concept was explained by ‘Puranas’ thousands of years ago but it has been accepted now after Einstein made this so called discovery). Now it has been stamped by modern science and accepted as a concept of science, not pseudoscience.
There are many things in the Universe which are still to be understood. Our “Beliefs” or “Non Beliefs” does not change the existence of such creations of ‘Paramatma’ (almighty).
Here at UDF, we believe that everything in this Universe is made up of energy that Vibrates on specific frequency and they do not need any language to communicate. Universe has a power to fulfil all our materialistic and non materialistic needs. For their fulfilment we just need to know how to communicate with the universe and we also need to understand our true self.
Many experiments and successful researches are conducted at research centre named Urjaa Dham being operated under UDF which had helped us to know how to correspond with the Universe for the betterment of humankind.
Our Saints & Rishis had used water as a medium to bless or to curse, thousands of years ago. They know that water has a memory and it can be imprinted. Now modern science has also started believing this concept of water memory. We charge the water and use water memory to transfer the healthy vibrations for some special treatments by imprinting it with Unique Mathematical Codes, signs and Geometrical patterns.
In Quantum Physics, the concept of quantum entanglement proves that when two or more particles link up in a certain way, no matter how far apart they are in space, their states remain linked. That means they share a common, unified quantum state. And any action to one of these particles will invariably impact the others in the entangled system. Hence it also gives weight to the concept of distant healing. At Urjaa Dham Foundation (UDF), we conduct distant healing by getting DNA samples of the subject, no matter where the subject is.
We have also established many type of ‘URJAA YANTRAS’ which we entangle with the subject’s electromagnetic field with the help of techniques available with ancient Vedic science. This way the Urjaa Yantra will keep charging the energy levels of the subject for special treatments, for the specified time period. With the help of it, we have helped many people of different religious beliefs to live a peaceful life.
We believe that everyone chooses their life, parents and the religion to be born, in order to grow their Karmas, so UDF is not designed for any specific religion. People from all religions, who want to learn and get something from the Universe, are respected here.
One thing should be very clear to everyone that we are here to remove dark energies (evil and negative) from their life and not to create darkness in someone else’s life. So we request such people to remain away from Urjaa Dham Foundation (UDF) who are pained with someone’s success. With the help of present and former Urjaavaans, several projects are run under Urjaa Dham Foundation./span>
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