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Sandeep Tewari, founder of ‘Urjaa Dham’ was born in a simple religious Hindu Brahmin family of Punjab(India), the land of Saints & Gurus. He realised this for the first time at the age of 12 that Universe can fulfil every demand.

He was unique in his childhood. His concentration towards everything was extreme. From his very childhood, he always wanted to understand the facts rather than memorising. He always loved to find the relativity and the way that everything communicates.

During schooling, his favourite subject was Physics. He believed that only basic education of few years is important rather than spending more than half of your life in education to fulfil the dreams of others. He believed that life itself starts giving you knowledge and experiences required for your field of expertise which has already been chosen for you by the destiny.

He joined Indian Army at the age of 18 and served the nation for many years at the remotest parts of country from high altitudes in glacier to the burning sand of Thar and forest web of Kaziranga. As major part of his service was in the remote areas of the country, it helped him in making a close relation with nature to understand it. During his service, he met many Meditating ‘Sadhus’ at the mountains of Himalayas and learnt many things from them in his free time. With their help and guidance, he managed to decode many mysteries of nature and Universe. It was his destiny or a co-incidence that even in the Army he was indulged in the profession of communications.

He is a keen explorer, so the experiences in his life go countless. He has helped many people to get rid of the uninvited problems that had disturbed their lives and helped them to know why such things had happened to disturb them. His uniformed service of Cap & Belt developed the quality of extreme courage in him. This courage helped him to investigate the paranormal activities on its own. Although, he has a team but he leads every case himself. He receives many calls globally each day; the callers usually reporting Paranormal Activities and their experiences about unknown & undefined. He guides them with the scientific facts where required.

Very interesting thing about him is that every time a person approaches him for treatment as a client, the later develops a unique relationship with him and makes him the mentor of their family. The only reason is a selfless advice.