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My name is Sandeep Tewari, I am a spiritual & energy healer. I am also doing a successful research on Yantras through vedic techniques.

I am proud and thankful that supreme power has chosen me to help people get healthier physically as well as emotionally.

I am working as an energy healer since 2010. This site was created to share my knowledge with the world and educate them about the power of energy and vibrations. As the world of energies is very beautiful, I encourage you to experience the wonderful love, light and force that come through energy healing.

Energy healing is an ancient and natural relaxation technique that can help you emotionally and spiritually, leading you to a sound mind and sound body.

As humans are destructive weapons in themselves, Universe has a secret language to communicate. If they could understand this language, they would damage the Universe as well, the way they are damaging earth.

Once I met a Meditating Saint who shared some experiences of his life with me. He said that there are some secrets which should always be kept as secrets. He added that excess is always dangerous, may it be excessive knowledge. He said sharing is good but only that much should be shared with others that they could easily digest as everyone is not Shiva who can hold poison in their throat. I would like to reveal a secret here. In our lives, we naturally get all those things which have been imprinted with our design, we can also say according to the ‘Karmas’ of our previous lives. Universe never says ‘NO’ to anyone because everyone here on earth has their free will but if you ask for the things to remove or include which were never the part of your present life then you have to pay back something else that might be very important to you back to the Universe.

We are a universe in ourselves. Every element and every energy that lies in this universe lies within us, neither more nor less. Every disease & cure, question & answer, problem & solution lies within us. So, one is responsible for everything in their lives, for all their success, all their failure, all their feelings and all their reactions.

I am not alone, God has given power to everyone to help others, in one or other way everyone is doing so.

Once again I want to thank that super power to choose me to help you in getting your answers, solutions and the right path for you.