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Energy & Quantum

Invisible Treatment For Invisible Disease

To cure the physical body from disease, similarly to heal our psyche body we suggest vibrational medicine. Unlike chemical medicines, these medicines are prepared through vibrations that are generated through different vedic techniques. These vibrational medicines are odorless, tasteless and invisible but you can feel their positive results on yourself. This is an invisible medicine for the treatment of invisible disease that are created through imbalance of energy or thought energy present in our surroundings.

What could be affected by thought energy?

The thought energy affects everything that comes in its way. In humans, thought energy can increase your vibration levels (if positives vibes are sent to you from the other person) or could also decrease your vibration levels (if negative thoughts are sent to you from the other side). The thoughts are generated in our mind; hence the mind is the home place of the thought energy. The mind is the one that controls the vibrations of our ethereal body similarly as our brain controls the physical body. Our Aura surrounds our physical body and acts like a shield to such unwanted external negative energies and thoughts. When due to our weak aura, the negative thought energy enters our mind, the vibrations of our ethereal body are manipulated, making our aura weaker and susceptible to infections (wrong feelings that other person has about you). The infected aura can cause psychological issues and low energy levels along with health issues.

Is light the fastest thing in universe?

Modern science has considered the light to be the fastest in this universe. The units of light are used to measure the long distances in the form of light years.What about the speed of thoughts? Is there any measure for the speed of thoughts? In a fraction of second, our thought can reach to that end of solar system where light needs light years to reach. The speed of thought has no limit and no distance. It can reach anywhere in just a part of second. Similarly you can explore the Milky Way or reach the other planet or moon in just a fraction of second. Even, in your thoughts you can make others accompany you there. Our ancient scripts also mention that nothing travels faster than the thoughts (Man ki tevra gati) generated by our mind.Imagine how powerful the energy of the thoughts can be!

God & thought energy!

Modern science has considered the light to be the fastest in this universe. The units of light are used to measure the long distances in the form of light years.

Think about the different places of worship (a temple or a shrine). Find two or three temples devoted to a same God or Goddess (e.g. Maa Durga) in your locality. You will observe that the faces of no two idols resemble with each other. They all have individual look but the energy felt at all places is same, though the vibration levels of that energy may differ from each other.

Our ancestors, superstitious or brainy?

Our ancestors knew the power of thought energy. They knew that how good and bad thoughts can affect others. It is a human nature that we always feel deprived and crave for the things we don’t have. A dark complexioned person will always wish for fair skin and a short person for a long height.

These are the thoughts generated in our minds when we see something that we don’t have but others have. These are only the thoughts of our mind that we haven’t spoken. The words have vibration and the vibrations of words can make others happy, sad or terrified accordingly. The words can be sugar coated and the exact intentions can be covered using them which may be entirely opposite to the thought process going inside. The thoughts have a stronger vibration than words because they indicate the clear intentions. Thoughts cannot be covered or wrapped up by something.

To protect themselves from ill intentions of other people and wrong thoughts created by them, our ancestors performed many rites. The ritual of applying black tikka (mark) on forehead or behind the ear, wearing black thread on wrist, air blows and burning red chilies were performed to neutralize the bad effects. While performing the rites, they spoke some words in their mouth which were the positive thoughts (in form of Mantras).

Why is it so, if the god is one?

God is one but they represent energy in different forms. Like Lord Hanuman represents the energy of courage & honesty, similarly Lord Shani represents the energy of justice & Result.

Now both are Gods and are related to one supreme power but they represent different forms of energy.

Like forms of energy, levels of energy also differ from place to place. Consider a Mata Vaishno Devi temple in Hinduism or Shri Harimandir Sahib (Golden temple) in Sikhism and relate their energy levels with the local temple present at your place. You will find different energy levels at each place. It depends upon the devotion of devotees, vastu of the place and very important the characteristics of the Godman or Chief priest and the rituals performed by them.

Why the sikh followers from different corners of the world visit Golden Temple (Shri Harimandir Sahib) when each city and province has a good number of Gurudwaras? It Is only due to the fact that the energy and vibrations that they feel there are different. Same holds true for Mecca & Medina. Moreover, it is not only about the energy of that place, it is also about your thought energy (that you generated in your mind with thoughts and beliefs) that makes you experience different energy levels at different religious places.

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