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Sudden drop in finances.
Discord in a previously happy family..
Mood swings.
Getting easily irritated.
Not socializing enough.
Sudden failure of a business that was running smoothly
Falling sick again and again
Lack of interest in activities that were your favorite sometime back
Frequent quarrels with spouse
Women have intense emotions as compared to men. They also express their emotions freely as compared to men who sometimes suppress their feelings. So women and also young children (their aura has not fully developed and is still growing like their physical body) are far more easily affected by thought energy. They easily absorb others’ emotional problems. Like, when a child is hurt, mother comforts them. She does nothing but her aura absorbs the pain of child making them comfortable. Her nature of being absorbent is a blessing for the family but it may be a curse for herself. It is said that before death of a physical body, its aura starts shrinking and after 15 days of physical death, it totally disappears. After this period, no traces of aura can be detected because the life-force no longer exists and other signatures of physical body had slowly vanished. The Aura of physical body gets shape at the age of nine and fully develops at the age of eighteen (according to present period of Kaliyuga). And this is a time when children start feeling intuitions and develop their psychic abilities. A woman is an invisible pillar that supports the house making it a home. After absorbing many things she still tries to manage and protect her family in every manner. Women are patient but at certain point their aura becomes saturated with all the thought energy that they had absorbed. It starts giving them health issues and stress. In other words, the protective shield of the house collapses. Like other therapies, we at Urjaa Dham practice the following techniques that help in to generate vibration medicines.
Bathing is the basic need of life. Not only humans, animals too need a bath and cleanse them. To clean our physical body, we wash it with soap and water. Like our physical body, our ethereal body (soul) too needs bath. To clean our mind, soul and unwanted energies attached to our aura, the process of spiritual bath is required. It can also be called as spiritual spa. Our ancestors used to practice such baths and spas long time ago.
Washing and cleaning are basic hygiene practices. We wash our fruits, vegetables and other edibles before consumption. We wash our hands so many times during day. The COVID pandemic has further taught the importance of basic hygiene practices (washing hands more often). After purchase, new clothes are washed (before use) in order to let go off all impurities they might have gained during their journey from factory to outlet. We wash and clean everything around us that we use or consume. This is done to eliminate the ill effects that we could receive otherwise if we don’t cleanse the things before using.
In Indian culture, Shudhikaran (Purification) is a very important tradition. Big purchases like car make their first ride to temple where a small puja (Prayer) for Shudhikaran is performed in which the priest recites a mantra and sprinkles a handful of holy water on the new possession. This is done to remove all the negativity from the vehicle and to bless it with happy and safe journeys. The new houses also undergo this cleansing and purification (Shuddhikaran). This is again done with a puja. The practice removes evil eyes and negative energy from the place and also blesses the members with happiness, peace and prosperity. Not only the newly constructed houses, sometimes, people go for Shuddhikaran of the houses in which they had been living for years. In our childhood, you might have experienced your grandparents giving you cleansing from evil eye effect by burning red chilies and turning it around clockwise and anti clock wise, from head to toe whispering something in their mouth. Such traditions related to cleansing and purification are not only found in Hinduism, they are also found in other religions. Among Muslims, the evil eye cleansing is done by blowing out air from mouth on both sides of face of loved one followed by whispering something in their mouth. Thus, it’s not only germs, dirt and impurities that need to be washed from something, the negative energies, thoughts and memories also need to be wiped out.
TTo keep your aura strong each and every single day of life, you have to charge it through spiritual bath and spa. The spiritual bath and spa are indispensible for our overall well being as it protects us from negative thought energies, wrong vibes, evil eyes and negative emotions. The spiritual bath and spa ensure that we lead a blissful, harmonious, peaceful and prosperous life. It protects us from all odds.
Not only in Hinduism the concept of spiritual bath is present in almost every religion present on this planet. Since ancient times, people have engaged in spiritual bathing, a soothing and restorative practice that rejuvenates the body, mind, and soul. Spiritual baths promote health and have been proven to aid in the treatment of anxiety, grief, insomnia, and depression.
This lost art has fascinating history behind and comes with easy recipes to create bathing rituals at your home. Most of these baths require only water, easily accessible herbs and a simple ritual with the desire to nurture your spirit and uplift your soul. Not only for this, may you require a spiritual bath for many other reasons too like
Many scientists are working and experimenting on the ‘Water Memory’, it is also a hot topic for debate today. On the other hand many scientists are denying this possibility. Jacques Benveniste, French immunologist spent his life on the research of ‘Water Memory’. He has conducted many experiments to demonstrate that water is capable to imprint any information (Biological or chemical) in its molecules in the absence of original information and could be transferred electronically or digitally.
As modern science is struggling in proving and disproving but ancient Indian Saints knew this thing thousands of year before. They don’t only have the knowledge they have also used the water memory, proved in our ancient literature. To bless and curse water was used by them in their hands. The other example is of holy water from holy places, to be considered having power of that place which is a belief in most of the religions. Moreover, in all religious practices water has a great role, where after the practice it is used to consume by everyone to get blessed and energized.
Not only in religious practices, even in Indian culture the water is the first to be offered to the outsider or the person of the house to be coming from outside. Thirst is not only the reason, the actual reason is to get the energy of that place within them so that his energy neutralizes according to that place and might not disturb the energy of the place.
This is why a real and professional energy healer will never drink water from the place where they are going to investigate or heal in order not to get under the influence of the energy of that place.. We at Urjaa Dham, has a collection of vibrational rates that have been transferred from Geometrical pattern to numerical which are used to charge the water as a medium. We have a collection of vibrational rates for physical and emotional health. In this process the values of any treatment are transferred to water through electro magnetic radiation. The water can hold the imprinted values in its molecules, as no chemical is used in water, there are only beneficial vibrations in water with no side effects of chemicals. It is also found that the high dilutions of same water do not lose its original properties. This concept of dilutions is also practiced in Homeopathy under potency.
Yantra means a “supporting instrument”, same like other manmade instruments that are used to support the physical efforts e.g. washing machine, computer, vehicle, etc. In Vedic science, it has spiritual significance. It helps to reach higher level of consciousness. Yantra is a geometrical design with symbols, figures and patterns. It is a highly efficient tool for contemplation, concentration and meditation. Yantras can be drawn on paper, wood, metal or on earth. They can also be developed in a three-dimensional form.
The Yantra provides a door to union with cosmic power. On concentration, it helps to awaken your sub-conscious. The most ritualized Yantras in India are focused on a specific deities (specific energies of universe) and by tuning into the Yantra you can energize yourself with that specific creative force in the universe. It is a powerful supporting instrument that works with cosmic currents which are present in our Universe.
For example, Hanuman Ji represents the energy of courage, fearlessness and intelligence, meditating with a Hanuman Yantra will start energizing you with the vibrations of courage, fearlessness and intelligence. Similarly, other Yantras represent other specific energies.
Since childhood, we are taught that everything needs energy to react. Like washing machine will need electric energy to operate and a vehicle needs the energy from fuel which makes it run on the road. How a piece of geometrical pattern could work without using any external energy?
The research in Quantum Science (Physics) has played a very important role in supporting many Indian spiritual concepts. The concept of Wave-Particle Duality, concept of Entanglement, the concept of Uncertainty and the concept of Superposition supports many facts present in our ancient literature. The space is not empty; it is filled up with vibrations of multiple energies. There are infinity energies in universe beyond the reach of humans. One among them is cosmic energy, which releases the vibrations (cosmic currents). The geometrical shapes are placed in such a way that they start working accordingly using these cosmic currents.
This is how the Yantras work and gives desired results without using any physical energy known to us.
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