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Aura, an invisible shield.

We as living beings have a physical body, the basic unit of which is a cell. Our physical body is surrounded by the halo of energy called aura. It is an electro-magnetic field of energy enveloping everybody. It constitutes subtle body. The physical body is visible to everyone but the subtle body is not visible to everyone. It shields our physical body like the atmosphere shields the earth. It is a spectrum of seven colors.

As aura is electromagnetic in nature, it can attract situations and circumstances, psychic left-overs, health issues and emotions. So your aura decides your physical, mental and spiritual health.

If you have a strong aura, no negative energy, evil eyes and the negative emotions like jealousy can penetrate it. On the other hand a weak aura absorbs all the negativity around it. It not only affects the health, but also career, relationships and social bindings. It won’t to say that aura is a mirror which reflects one’s overall being.

Signs of Strong Aura

Signs of a weak Aura.

Relationship between Aura & Chakras

Aura comprises of seven layers formed of seven colors like VIBGYOR, which further link to seven chakras. Each chakra is a spinning wheel of energy, has a specific color pertaining to it and sits in a spinal cord. Each chakra is connected to a major organs through nerve bundles. The chakras are responsible for even energy distribution in body to work efficiently, the chakras should always remain open and balanced to let the energy flow evenly.Any blockage, clogging or disruption in chakras lead to the uneven flow of energy which causes serious mental and physical diseases. Each chakra has a name, color and has a defined area in spine.

There are two others!

Soul Star Chakra (Sutara)

Your Soul Star Chakra is located above your Crown Chakra, like a halo. It’s the gateway through which Divine light enters your body and nourishes your soul. When this energetic center is active and balanced, you experience unconditional love and ethereal peace. It invites you to pursue ascension and spiritual development and is your connection to your Higher Self.

Earth Star Chakra (Vasundhara)

Your Earth Star Chakra is the closest connection you have to Gaia. It is a spinning wheel of light, located about 12 inches below your feet, connecting you to the collective energy that surrounds us. When you have an active connection, you can feel your ties to the bones of your ancestors, to the spirits that live in every part of nature, and to the collective consciousness of humanity. When your Earth Star Chakra is imbalanced or underactive, you may feel detached and unsteady.f.

If you feel any of the symptoms of weak aura or blocked chakras, you can contact UD and book an appointment for Aura & Chakra scanning. We conduct thorough testing to check the damaged aura and chakras. We use dowsers, scanners, Radionic Devices, cameras and happiness meter for diagnosis. The treatment starts after this. Depending upon the faults in your aura or chakras, we may use Pranic healing, Yoga exercises, guided meditation, Psycho-Neurobics exercises, charged water and Charged Yantras for healing and energy medicine. As aura is a spectrum of colors, and each chakra also has a specific color identity, we provide chakra based diet plans for healing aura and chakras. At UD, we have a Psycho-Neurobic Gym where the clients are guided for the exercises related to mind & soul.</p.

We respect the privacy and secrecy of our subjects, so it is our priority to maintain confidentiality. The condition and progress of the client will never be discussed with anyone else, accept the client. To help others, we need to share our knowledge. We can publish the success stories, without mentioning names and location. Keeping it in mind the nature of services provided by us, we do not provide any refund policy. The results are in your hands only. Your focus and concentration will decide the success of the healing. Performing our best is our self interest, so that we could have good basket of evidences to show in our research center. ;

Frequently Asked Questions

Not everybody is able to see their aura. It needs lots of focus, concentration and meditation to observe your aura with a naked eye. You can see your aura at UD with the help of Kirlian photographs.

No, we cannot see our Chakras. It needs lots of focus, concentration and meditation to visualize and feel Chakras.

After Chakra healing, you will feel yourself full of energy as your energy gets even flow after the therapy. You will also find extreme peace and calmness within yourself

Blocked Chakras have deep effect on energy levels. You will find yourself lethargic, anxious, and sad over a period of time. Also you might experience a chronic illness.

Being emotionally unstable, aggression, uncontrollable weeping without a strong reason, lack of decision, lethargy etc are the signs of damaged Aura. Read more>>>>

We can treat if more than one Chakras are blocked.

No, there are no side effects. Rather, after the therapy you will feel more energized, happy and calm.

It can treat all kinds of physical as well as mental diseases.

Initially, it is not possible. There is a need of expert guidance and related materials. Once you understand the basic concept, you can do it at home.

No, we do not recommend that. With a passage of time, when the therapy starts showing it effects, your doctor will him/herself decrease the dose and later stop it.Initially, it is not possible. There is a need of expert guidance and related materials. Once you understand the basic concept, you can do it at home.

Yes, it is available.

Initially, the session is 10-15 minutes long. Later the sessions can be little longer.

You should wear comfortable, light colored cotton clothes during therapy. We recommend minimal jewelry and make-up.

Yes, depending upon your case.

No, there would be no need of the healer touching you. Though it may be required if the healer needs to correct your poses and asana.

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