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Yantra Vidya, exists but never documented.

With the help of Quantum Science (Physics) we are able to prove that Yantras work and can be used to get desired results. But how they fulfill our desires is still a mystery! Yantras work magically and are very powerful. Our ancient ancestors knew it, so this ‘Vidya’ was kept secret and un-documented. If you search on Internet and the libraries and you will find very little knowledge about Yantra Vidya. This ‘Vidya’ was transferred telepathically to selected disciples only. For

betterment of humanity, few of general Yantras that are related to specific deities were documented in Vedas. These Yantras can neither be modified nor be amended to other form and they were open and available because only just to show the power and the existence of Yantra Vidya.

The Protectors of Yantra Vidya

Even today, this ‘Vidya’ is available with few Aghori Sadhus, who never come to light. They still transfer this Yantra ‘Vidya’ telepathically from time to time to their selected disciples. There blue prints may come in the form of imagination, dream or thought. If you are not receptive for them in your present life, they will disappear from your thoughts and be forgotten. But if one is ready, they will start imagining it until the Yantra takes its physical shape. One needs not be an engineer, artist or a God-Man for this. Once you are connected, your sub-conscious memory will raise your skills that you had gained in your previous lives. This is the only reason why it is very poorly known to the west. The West took away much of our literature to their place. After translation and few amendments they took all the credit of it and showed that it had always belonged to them. There are many examples, the one is ‘Sammohan Vidya’, well known and practiced as Hypnotherapy in the West.

Classification of Yantras and their types

There may be countless Yantras which are dedicated towards different universal energies. They show their existence when required and demanded by time (Yuga & Kaal). So it is not possible for anyone to name all type of Yantras. The information will automatically transfer through telepathy when demanded and needed.

Development of Yantra

Yantras are the result of Mantra and Tantra.

Mantra- The imagination & thought

Tantra- The blue print, research & practice

Yantra- The final working model

Every human can think, draw and build, will it work. Absolutely no, because universe chooses you according to your past lives and this is what everyone is finding, “Who I am and what is motive of my life”?

Results and power of Yantras

Like all other things, Yantras too have Electro Magnetic Field (aura). But due to its specific shape and form Yantras have both capabilities to receive, transmit and transform energy. Every shape emits specific energy that vibrates on specific frequency. Yantras work in Suksham Roop (subtle form), we cannot analyze their working process physically. Think about the Corona Virus, a microscopic element influenced the planet. Subtle form is so powerful that it easily affects the subtle body which is the base of physical body, without being noticed like the cancer cells. Shapes, numbers and patterns used to develop Yantras have their own unique vibrations. When assembled, some Yantras release negative vibrations, disturbing the stability of place and individual. Some Yantras absorb the negative vibrations, to align and stabilize the energy of the place and individuals. And some stabilize both negative and positive vibrations, to protect and retain the present flow of energy. The Yantras that release the negative vibrations are called ‘Marak Yantras’ (Killer), they are used to unbalance the energy of place or individuals. Marak Yantras results in pandemic, floods, draughts, quarrels, chronic diseases and downfalls. Earlier Marak Yantras emitting negative vibrations were used to destroy the enemies. The Yantras that absorb negative vibration are called ‘Tarak Yantras’ (Savior, Protector) used to balance the energy of the place or individuals. ‘Tarak Yantras’ are used to align the energy flow of the disturbed places and individuals. These Yantras help the place or individual to get back to the same prosperous situation as it was before. The Yantras that stabilize and retain the present energy are called ‘Sathir Yantras’ (Stabilizer, Retainer) used to stabilize and retain the present form of energy. These Yantras are used to maintain the prosperity, happiness, growth of place and individuals. Yantras are always negatively charged and their energy has only three characteristics, to absorb, to release and to stabilize. This is why, due to their violent characteristics, only Aghoris were given the responsibility to handle and pass on this Vidya. Yantras give very fast and positive results when used with proper instructions. The ignorance may lead to dangerous impacts. The best way is to dissemble and burry it, if for any reason one feels disconnected with it or lose faith in it. Basically Yantras are also known as secret keys for establishing our connection with the beneficial energies to help us on our spiritual path.

About Urjaa Yantras

Sidha Yantras that are dedicated towards specific deity needs different rituals and donations according to deity. Bur Urjaa Yantras works on different rule, they get connected with your energy and energy of the place and will start using and boosting it. For Urjaa Yantras you have to do rituals through very easy meditation techniques. Everything in universe requires negative and positive energy to exist. To light a bulb, we need balanced negative and positive current to flow in specific frequency. Likewise, we too need negative and positive energy to survive. If these energies are balanced in us, one can feel harmonized. But if there is a flow of unbalanced energy, one stays with negative emotions and remain distressed. For betterment in our lives, these energies are to be balanced. It is wrong to say that we should remove the negative energy from us. They were within us, they are within us and they will always remain within us, until the existence of physical body. Even after the death of our physical body, the Prana (soul) energy too will travel to cosmos with the combination of two. So the negative energy is only to be balanced. To understand the flow of energy of place and within us, see the following pattern.

Any place that is declared as place with negative vibes doesn’t means that there is no flow of positive energy present at that place. If this, it would never have existed in the universe. Such places, where we feel negative vibes have unbalanced flow of energy. The surface of earth is neutral, below is negative and above is positive. The negative energy goes on vibrating to higher frequencies, as we go deeper. The same is with positive energy; it goes on vibrating to higher frequencies, as we go up. So the surface of earth is best for some intelligent species which have suitable and balanced flow of energy to survive and are also eco friendly towards each other.

Dev that represents positivity lives in higher dimensions where the positive energy vibrates on higher frequencies and Danav that represents negativity lives in lower dimensions where negative energy vibrates on higher frequencies. We humans have the combination of both Dev & Danav. The one who develops high frequency negative energy starts getting involved in evil deeds and the one who develops high frequency positive energy becomes so good that others start misusing them. That so why for betterment and to survive one needs the balanced combination of Dev and Danav.

We don’t need to disrupt the positive form of energy, that’s why maximum Yantras are negatively charged. When they connect to your place they will analyze the pattern of the energy flows. This is why 45 days time is required to get it fully connected. Yantras act like stabilizer; they neutralize the flow of cosmic currents and EMF of the place./p>

After our research of 14 years, we have successfully categorized Yantras in three categories

Raksha Kawach Urjaa Yantras
Svayam Urjaa Yantras
Killan Urjaa Yantras

Raksha Kawach Urjaa Yantras

The Urjaa Yantras under this category are developed for self protection from different entities. These Yantras are developed for individuals after analyzing the problem and effects they are facing under influence of dark entities. Yantras to break spells and black magic also come under this category.

Svayam Urjaa Yantras

The Urjaa Yantras under this category are developed for fulfillment of personal desires, to bring prosperity and happiness in life, to bring peace of mind and for spiritual and financial growth. These Yantras are developed for individuals after analyzing their Aura.

Svayam Urjaa Yantras

The Urjaa Yantras under this category are developed for protection of places. These Yantras are used to heal sick homes, residential places, work places, offices and industries. The Yantras for Killan, Nish-Killan and Bandhan also comes under this category. They are developed after analyzing soil and water samples of that place. It is also used to retain the prosperity of the house, office, shop,workplace etc. All the Urjaa Yantras developed at Urjaa Dham are handmade. So they start getting charged with intention for the purpose while developing. Many of our service seekers have reported us that they had started feeling relaxed while the Yantras were still under development at our research centre. Different Yantras can be practiced in different ways. While practicing, Yantra absorbs complete attention of the practitioner, when one is connected with it, one can no longer tell if they are within the Yantra or Yantra is within them. This is the state of trance. The resonance is generated while practicing Yantra Vidya.

Bhasama & Tilaks

The Urjaa Yantras under this category are developed for protection of places. These Yantras are used to heal sick homes, residential places, work places, offices and industries. The Yantras for Killan, Nish-Killan and Bandhan also comes under this category. They are developed after analyzing soil and water samples of that place. It is also used to retain the prosperity of the house, office, shop,workplace etc. All the Urjaa Yantras developed at Urjaa Dham are handmade. So they start getting charged with intention for the purpose while developing. Many of our service seekers have reported us that they had started feeling relaxed while the Yantras were still under development at our research centre. Different Yantras can be practiced in different ways. While practicing, Yantra absorbs complete attention of the practitioner, when one is connected with it, one can no longer tell if they are within the Yantra or Yantra is within them. This is the state of trance. The resonance is generated while practicing Yantra Vidya.

Threads & Bands

Threads and bands provided by Urjaa Dham are energized by special procedures and have power to protect you from negative energies and evil eyes. Some people are vulnerable to negative energies. They attract such energies very easily. The threads and bands are charged with the vibrations and thought energy and protect such people from negativity around them. Threads and bands at Urjaa Dham are handmade and made up of cotton, brass, copper, iron and special stones according to different needs.


Energy and Quantum healing is a therapy to heal some specific problems through spiritual techniques with the help of vedic instruments.

No, we never suggest anyone to start, stop or increase any dose of medicines prescribed to them by a authorized medical practitioner.

In this process of energy and Quantum healing there are different techniques to get protected and healed. Spiritual Spa, Yantra, Bhasma, Tilak, threads and bands are used for energizing for different purposes. Some could be used in general while some are developed and prepared for special causes. Iit depends upon the situation of service seeker.

There are few general items that one could get instantly, while the other needs time to get developed because they are for specific use individually. You can check the specification of product at our Healing Shop..

Yes, there are few products and services available with us. You can check the specification of product at our Healing Shop.
Yantras need 45 days to get fully connected with the Aura of place and with the Aura of individual. Faith plays a great role in connection with Yantras. It may get fully connected with you and place from the first day.

Different Urjaa Yantras have different ways to install and practice. Some may need to be installed on walls and some on special direction and some are to be kept with you and some need to be touched daily. It depends upon its make and purpose. Some Yantras need your attention and feeling to flow their energy.

There are no biological or chemical products used to charge the water. Water is only imprinted with the vibrational rates through electro magnetic waves digitally. Having no chemical used, there will never be any reaction with your present medication.
There are no biological or chemical products used to charge the water. Water is only imprinted with the vibrational rates through electro magnetic waves digitally. Having no chemical used, there will never be any reaction with your present medication.
Spiritual bath is done to cleanse and rejuvenate soul, mind and body. It helps in relieving the physical as well as mental illnesses and removes energy blockages. The Spa makes you energetic and improves focus and concentration. The process involves different elements like water air, fire, earth and flowers, herbs and essential oils.
The regular bath cleanses the outer most covering of your physical body i.e. skin by removing dirt, sweat and germs from its surface. Water and soap/shower gel are needed for it. On the other hand, the spiritual bath cleanses your physical as well as mental self. Spiritual bath is done to cleanse and rejuvenate soul, mind and body. It helps in relieving the physical as well as mental illnesses and removes energy blockages. The Spa makes you energetic and improves focus and concentration. For it, different elements like water air, fire, earth and flowers, herbs and essential oils and it has to be done under the expert guidance.

The regular bath cleanses the outer most covering of your physical body i.e. skin by removing dirt, sweat and germs from its surface. Water and soap/shower gel are needed for it. On the other hand, the spiritual bath cleanses your physical as well as mental self. Spiritual bath is done to cleanse and rejuvenate soul, mind and body. It helps in relieving the physical as well as mental illnesses and removes energy blockages. The Spa makes you energetic and improves focus and concentration. For it, different elements like water air, fire, earth and flowers, herbs and essential oils and it has to be done under the expert guidance.

We have a specially designed area for spiritual baths and spas. The spa area has a very strong positive vibes. Just on entering this area, you will find yourself high on energy. Powerful chants keep playing in the background, which further energize you. So before the actual process, your cleansing has already started. Different elements are used for the process depending upon your psychological and spiritual health.
Yes, it can be performed at your place. We guide you for the same. You can make preparations beforehand and do as directed.
If you have some major emotional issues, stress, depression, lack of energy, chronic medical condition, blocked energy and chakra imbalance, you definitely need a spa. If none of these is true in your case, you can still go for a spiritual spa as it rejuvenates you.
Spiritual baths help us to cope up with the world. If you have some major emotional issues, stress, depression, lack of energy, chronic medical condition, blocked energy and chakra imbalance, you definitely need a spa. If none of these is true in your case, you can still go for a spiritual spa as it rejuvenates you.
No, there are no side effects until they are carried out under expert guidance. The side effects can only occur due to imbalances if wrong element or material is used in spa. So never consider it doing on your own with goggle’s help. Once you get familiar with it, the healer can suggest you to do it..

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