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Each and every one of us has experienced Déjà-Vu at one or more instances in life. Déjà-Vu is a strange kind of feeling that makes you realize that you have already experienced what you are experiencing now. Sometimes you visit a place for the first ever time in life but you feel that you had been there earlier or you meet someone who you have never met before and feel that you have met the person earlier too. Déjà-Vu can be a reflection of your past life. Your action in the past is your reaction in the present.
Reincarnation (living again and again in different bodies after dying again and again) is believed in by different religions. In Hinduism, there are several spiritual and religious documents to back it. Déjà-Vu and Reincarnation are deeply connected. The former makes you realize those things or places without having them done earlier because you had done those in your previous lives.
We had lived many lives in past (Purva Janams) before coming into this present life. We had met different people, had families, went to different places, cried and laughed, accumulated good and bad experiences and worked the way we do in our current lives. After death, when we are reborn in some other body, this present life will also become a past life. The only thing that is common in all past lives, present life or future lives is our soul, which remains same. Have you ever wondered why we take birth after birth even though our soul remains the same? Our soul is on the journey, the journey to become better every time it is born in a body, the journey to learn and acquire experiences and knowledge, the journey for its spiritual growth, the journey to reach to the upper levels or realms after every birth and finally the journey to meet the Creator, the one and only God. On this journey, our soul comes across people and places that were pre decided by it before it began its journey. The lessons to be learnt during the journey of soul are also pre defined.
The way we had lived our past lives and the situations and circumstances, put a deep impact on our current life. Our disturbed present life had its seeds in our past life. To understand ourselves in present life and for our spiritual growth, it is important to know about our past lives. This can be done with the help of Past Life Regression Therapy.
Past Life Regression Therapy is a tool used at Urjaa Dham to understand the anxiety, phobia, fear, diseases, mental disorders, emotional disorders and anything or everything that is wrongful in your current life. Accordingly, treatment and remedies are advised.
To understand the basics of past life Regression therapy, one has to understand that humans have physical body, subtle body and mind. Soul is the law of the God, a non physical aspect of human beings and lives on after the death of physical body. Mind is related with intellect and is the platform for desires, wishes, emotions and feelings. It has two parts:
As a name suggests, it has thoughts, feelings, emotions and desires about which we are conscious and well aware. It has all the experiences that we had in the current life time.
It consists of incidents, memories, feelings, wishes and emotional log of past lives. All the life times that we have on the earth inside somebody are registered in sub conscious mind.
The events and incidents of past life deeply impact us in present life. For example, if somebody have aqua phobia (extreme fear from water), there are possibilities that they have tragic memories in their sub conscious mind of past lives like drowning in a river, sea or ocean. How we had lived in past life times, what feelings we had then and what deeds, good or bad we were involved into, shape our personality in present life. If in past life, we had to bear the dominance and cruelty of someone, in current life we are born as someone who lacks confidence and self love. So by understanding the events and impressions of past life through regression, the quality of present life can be improved.
At Urjaa Dham, through Past Life Regression Therapy, we can make you find solutions to your emotional problems, stress, health conditions, fears & Phobias and unproductively in life. There are many reasons people seek out Past Life Regression Therapy:
Many people (mostly believers) want to know about the spirits, the laws of spirit world, journey of souls, the existence of the Creator and many more related things out of curiosity. They would also do this for their spiritual growth.
Often people have diseases and health issues without any acceptable cause. Their symptoms could not be related to specific diseases by the health experts as they are unable to diagnose the exact origin of the illness of such people i.e there are symptoms but the exact cause can’t be established. In such cases, the only possible solution as suggested by the health experts is the symptom management through medications. This process might continue throughout life and it is often seen that even the medicine is unable to provide 100% relief to the symptoms.
Vast number of people has symptoms related to emotional health. They may be emotionally unstable i.e. unable to handle their own emotional outburst. They may experience sadness, unhappiness, regrets, stress, sorrowfulness, guilt and all sort of negative emotions that also when they have everything worldly in their life. They have attained financial success, have a beautiful family and a social status but they will keep on feeling that there is something missing in their life. This fills them with melancholy.
People who are spiritually awaken in the present life want to lead the life in such a way that they would only the good deeds (karma) in order to keep their soul on higher level (the people with good karma stay on the higher level after death while those with wrongful deeds remain on the lower levels as per religious belief) after death. Even the very spiritual people sometimes are unable to find right channels for their spiritual growth.
People who are spiritually awaken in the present life want to lead the life in such a way that they would only the good deeds (karma) in order to keep their soul on higher level (the people with good karma stay on the higher level after death while those with wrongful deeds remain on the lower levels as per religious belief) after death. Even the very spiritual people sometimes are unable to find right channels for their spiritual growth. PLR can be a great help for such aspirants.
Some people have good intellectual capabilities as well as other required resources but they are not able to make much out of their life. They feel that they are wasting their time on earth and something they want to do (about which they have no idea) remains undone. They are unsure about the purpose of their life and their capabilities and abilities get wasted. This wastage further throws them towards dejection and they always remain in the self guilt that they could not find the purpose of their life. Find the purpose of your life through PLR
Fears and phobias are a very common thing. Normally there are five categories of phobias; Phobias based on natural environment (phobia of height, water, fire, storms etc), Animal Phobias (phobia from lizards, cockroaches, dogs etc), Situational phobias (fear of getting stuck in closed places like lift, darkness etc), Injury based phobias (phobia of injections, blood etc.). The fear/phobia in your current life has a deep connection with your past lives. For example, if a person has fire phobia in present life, during regression therapy, it has been found out that in one of the previous lives they had traumatic fire accident, which led to their painful death..The causes of Phobia may be due to Genetics and environment. If your parents have certain phobia, you are likely to have that too. This can be hereditary. It can also be a learned behavior from your parents that you had acquired while growing up seeing your parents being panicky of something. Phobia may also be created due to Negative Experiences. Sometimes you have negative experiences specific to an object or situation. With the passage of time it takes the form of phobia. The negative experiences causing phobia are many times seen related to past lives. The variations caused to normal brain function as a result of accident or injury can also develop a phobia. The major risk related with phobia is Social Isolation. Person with phobia may avoid social interactions due to their condition. This may result in academic and career downfall. Phobia victims find solace in drugs and alcohol. When subjected to phobic things or situations, the victims may get panic attacks and become suicidal. People with phobias have the issues related with anxiety and depression. In extreme cases, the victims suffer from mental disorders. PLR helps to understand the cause of your extreme phobia for something. It helps you in easing out those unbearable incidents so that you could life the current life peacefully and fearlessly.
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