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I want to improve my Relationships

Bad relationships can be a very painful experience and can take away all the peace from your life. Bad relationships can be between husband and wife, siblings, parent and child or any other relationship. They can arise due to dishonesty, harassment, disrespect, infidelity, dominance, hostility, intimidation and dependence. If you are involved in one, it may lead you to restless days and sleepless nights, especially if you are the one who is bearing the brunt of this relationship. PLR can suggest the causative causes from the account of your past lives for the bad connection.

I want my answers

Sometimes our career decisions are influenced by the people who are very close to us. For example you are interested in studying literature and want to become a writer but your family wants you to become a doctor. You may suppress your choice due your parents and study medical sciences but with not much interest. This brings sadness in life. Even after years you remain stuck at your preference. You may not be able to give your excellence to the option that was forcibly imposed on you. PLR can clear your state of confusion and let you find the answers to the question that why you had to do something you were not interested in. It can make you decide whether it was for your good or bad.

I want to understand blockages in my life

Life is not a bed of roses, as they say. It is not always smooth. There are obstacles which would prevent you from moving on further. Some lives have more obstacles and others have less, depending upon their journeys of the past lives. Spiritually the obstacles are intentionally chosen by us as a soul so that we could grow as a spirit. They are selected by souls to learn their lessons and as atonement. But in physical world we find them bothersome. PLR can suggest you the causes of those life hurdles.

I want to overcome my Childhood Trauma

Childhood is a very sensitive stage of life where any kind of emotional signatures can be marked. With time, when we go through other stages of life and reach adulthood, these marks are blurred, but they remain active somewhere in our sub-couscous mind. Childhood experience like physical assault, emotional attack, sexual abuse, cruelty, neglect, violence, exploitation, bullying and body shaming cause a deep damage to the psychology of child. It starts reflecting in your adult personality. PLR helps in diagnosing that torn personality of yours and helps in treatment.

I want to overcome my Trauma

Childhood is a very sensitive stage of life where any kind of emotional signatures can be marked. With time, when we go through other stages of life and reach adulthood, these marks are blurred, but they remain active somewhere in our sub-couscous mind. Childhood experience like physical assault, emotional attack, sexual abuse, cruelty, neglect, violence, exploitation, bullying and body shaming cause a deep damage to the psychology of child. It starts reflecting in your adult personality.

PLR helps in diagnosing that torn personality of yours and helps in treatment.

Similarly PLR helps you in finding the reasons behind your or behaviors or the temperament of your loved ones involving bullying, jealousy, rudeness, resistance to working with others, dishonesty, aggression, cheating, lying etc.

The animals, insects, birds and humans have their specific behavior. This behavior is found normal in all accordingly; like birds will fly and fishes will swim. If a fish develop feather and start flying, it would be a abnormal behavior for it. Every same species might have same design and social habits to each others with two characters of male and female but they may behave differently from each other. The same is with humans.Like other species on earth, humans are born with their natural habits in them and they acts normally according to it. Due to sexual disorder one may be Kinner(transgender) from its birth but what, one will all active male organs start behaving like female or a one will all active female organs start behaving like male. In medical science, it is due to hormonal imbalance.Not only this, there are many other such disorders which for some reasons unknown to them, get developed within. Due to their abnormality, they are unable to discuss this thing with others because of shame. They may feel trapped in other body.Click here to get the list of abnormal behaviors and psychological disorders. PLR would be of great help to find out the reasons and also helps to dissolve such unwanted and abnormal personalities within you.

We have both positive and negative emotions within us to survive among others humans and species that are compatible to live with us. The positive form of energy (Dev Shakti) within us that generates positive emotions are responsible for our goodness and happiness and the negative form of energy (Asur Shakti) within us that generates negative emotions are responsible for resistance, anger and to say ‘No’. Both these form of energies have multiple characters in them. The balance of both is very important to survive easily in KaliYuga. Everyone have different ways to show their negative emotions. So when under its influence, one may behave differently, showing different levels of aggressiveness and anger. That so why they are asked ‘Kon sa danav jag gaya hai isme’?. PLR helps you to find the character of negative energy and the Danav within you, so that one could balance it within to avoid its future consequences.

Is past life regression safe?

The Past Life Regression Therapy may bring back the painful memories from the past lives of a person. The person may feel the pain of the past in the current life and cry inconsolably. But no trauma from your past life can be bigger than the one that you are going through in the current life because that is the only reason that you are subjecting yourself to that pain again. Moreover that serves the purpose of the therapy itself because that is what we are expecting out of it; bringing out the ill fated events and episodes of the past life that are affecting you in this life because your present life is affected by the events of the past.(…………….link to top…….)

The PLR is a very safe procedure when it is conducted by an experienced therapist. But we always give a word of caution to the PLR seekers that they should be mentally prepared with it before starting their journey of the past lives. They should by no means come under any one’s persuasion and go for PLR. It should be wholly and solely their own decision which should not be impulsive. A through research and discussion with the therapist should be done before venturing in.

Accessing your Akashic Record

According to the laws of Karma, we get back what we give. We get happiness if we do good deeds while we receive misfortune if we do evil to others. Every soul has a karmic account pertaining to it which registers the deeds that were done in different life times. The concept of Karma is originally Indian. Now it has undergone some westernization and the Karmic Records has been named as Akashic Records. The Akashic records/ Karmic Records are the database which has our Karmic account. They register all our deeds or Karma, good and bad. It registers the journey of a soul and its growth during all life times. It is also known as Chitragupta’s book in Hinduism. Everyone of us has heard that childhood story (from our grandparents) of an angel called Chitagupta, who notes down the detailed account of your deeds (karma) and conveys it to God and accordingly you get rewards and penalties in life. This story is told to inculcate moral values in children so that they grow up as evolved individuals and love humanity. This story is also told for initiating spiritual and religious growth of the children from an early age.

Akashic Records & PLR/span>

Chitragupta, in Hinduism, is the keeper of our Akashic Records which has our karmic account. Akashic records and PLR are deeply connected with each other. In PLR you are reading your Own Akashic records and finding help for the trauma of your current life. In contrary, if you are scared of PLR, you can seek the service of a healer to decode the Akashic records for you and read your karmic account. The results obtained in Akashic Record reading and PLR are same for a person.

The Akashic Records have been referred to in different religions by different names. In the Bible, it is known as “The Book of Life”, in Torah it is called “The Book of Remembrance.” They are also mentioned as” The Cosmic Mind”, “ the Universal Mind”, “the Collective Unconscious”, “the Collective Subconscious” and “the Soul Records”.

Methodology & Protocol For PLR

First of all you need to book an appointment for consultation during which the details of your case will be taken and your objectives for PLR will be understood. It will also involve a counseling session. We will try to understand what exactly you want from PLR. After initial consultation, a session will be booked for PLR. For this the person has to fill in the consent form. The person will be provided with the literature highlighting the dos and

don’ts to be followed before and during the session. The person is recommended to do UD designed exercises regularly till the day of the therapy to improve concentration and focus.

The subject will be slowly taken to trance.

The entire PLR session will be video-graphed and the person has access to it.

You can bring an accomplice along with you at our healing center but they cannot join you in the PLR room. They can sit in the waiting area.

PLR is dome with the help of hypnosis. The entire process takes place in six steps.

Preparation for PLR

Conducting regression.

Expression & Release of motions that were previously repressed.

Reprogramming the sub-conscious mind.

Concluding the session.


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