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Our Prayogshalla

Like all other organizations, for the purpose of new researches, we too have a research centre. Research center runs under UDF, is equipped with many Vedic instruments that are used to investigate, analyze and diagnose the energies and vibrations that create disturbance in service seeker’s lives.

Space for in person assessment and practice

We organize PLR sessions at our research center. It has well established set up and comfortable environment is needed for PLR. Along with this, our research center is equipped will all the items to be used for color, sound and visual therapies.

The making of Yantras

The research on Yantras is conducted in our research centre. The research requires dedicated research keeping in mind even the minute details about the problems that are shared by service seekers. The Yantras are customized as per the individual requirements and are completely handmade. Once they get shape, they are charged as they can only start working after they are charged. After proper study and research, we have been able to develop many Yantras. These Yantras are giving very good results to our service seekers helping them to remove disturbances from their lives.

Designing & using Vedic Instruments

We have developed and build our own vedic instruments after studying ancient vedic literatures. These instruments help us to correspond with the different form of energies. With the help of them we detect the level of their frequency and the threats that could be expected from them. The instruments used by us works on the concept of Quantum Theories with the help of magnetic, kinetic and cosmic energy. Different type of dowsers and pendulums are also available with us at our research centre to analyze different types and forms of energies.

Digital Devices

Along with vedic instruments, we also use other electrical and mechanical equipments like EMF Scanners, Radionic Devices, Quantum analyzers, Vibronic Devices, IR Cameras, Digital EVP Recorders, Sound Frequency Generators, Harmonizers and many others items to record and verify our research.

Demonstration & Collection

Our research center has a display of all Yantras developed by us for the purposes of demonstration. The centre also has a huge collection of ancient scripts and literature which are used in all the processes at Urjaa Dham. We have a wide range of collection of crystals, stones, metals and elements present at our Prayogshalla. The haunted items or things are also brought with us at our research center and are disposed off after neutralizing their energy. The items that can’t be neutralized are used as subjects of further research./span>

Our Plan in Future

Our vision for future is to start a museum, with the collection of ancient texts and documents, antique pieces and artifacts. Donations of any one of these materials are welcome. We will display it in our museum under their names.