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Terms & Condition

This is a spiritual practice and not a business. The money you pay is for our time, something we treat as a precious commodity. The time we invest is irreversible; hence we choose to make the most of it in our relationship with you to understand your ailments and to heal you.

While we value your money, we do not want if it’s going to be used in a way to threaten us and our work. We value and respect who you are and what you may do but we are not concerned about your designation or you place in society. Everyone is equal in your eyes, so we thank you in advance for refraining from name dropping and exerting influence.

We will not tolerate a poor attitude and lack of respect as it becomes a seriously limiting factor in your healing and our relationship. We respect you and value you and expect the same from you. Please consider this point seriously before you decide to avail any of our service.

Some processes take longer to heal, problems develop over the years and it is unrealistic to expect a miracle in 1 week or 1 month. We do not work with symptoms, we address root causes to try and cure and heal you and that takes time. Be patient, you will reap its benefits.

We request yuou to ask us and seek logic during the process.. Please do not resort to unnecessary challenging and keep your ego in check. These behaviors are severely draining and will not help us meet our objective.

To help others, we need to share our knowledge. We can publish your investigations in form of our success stories, without mentioning any real name and accurate location.

You should be committed to strictly follow the instructions for the period as directed without cheating yourself.

You should be committed to take responsibility for your own actions and understand that the Healer cannot control what you perform.

Missed appointments: If you miss your appointment and do not notify us, it is your responsibility to reach out to us and reschedule your next appointment.

Refunds: Once you have paid for a program, then no refund policy applies. Due to the nature of services involved, no refund is provided, under any circumstances.