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Now we were on our mission, Raju was good and cooperative person. I told him, if he really wanted to help the family, he should not keep any secret from us. He said that whatever he knew about the family, had already been told to me by Biji.
I told Raju to take me to their ancestral home. While going there he told that he was also born at the servant quarter at that place. But after the death of Ajit and his son Aakash, that place was left and Surjit with his family moved to other place. But Lalaji refused to leave that place. He stayed there with domestic helpers but he too died soon due to old age. Raju told that his father worked for Lalaji till his last.
It was my instinct that I was moving to the place, which was the origin of everything. Raju was extrovert, and this helped us to know more about the family. According to him, he was just providing us general information but it was sensitive for us to proceed further.
We reached the place; it was an abandoned, old styled bungalow with British collections. In its time it must be one of the royal houses. The vibes of that place told, that the place had many secrets and leftovers of thoughts there . Raju told us that no one from the family liked to visit this place. Even during festivals, they visited other places they own but they never visited here. Raju was not having the key of that place so we decided to break the lock on main gate.
During this process, some locals interfered, considering us as trespassers. But Raju managed to convince them that they are the buyers of the property and want to see. We heard them talking that what to see in this unfortunate place.
We investigated the house with our self-styled methods. The place was having leftovers like furniture, artifacts, clothes and papers etc. While searching the place, we found many photographs, some among them were framed. Raju helped us to recognize all members in photographs. All the selected photographs were displayed on the table there. We were feeling certain vibrations and goose bumps, while analyzing photographs.
The place was having many leftovers of the thought energy in its different parts. Raju guided us to all parts of that place and belongings as per his knowledge and the information he got from his parents. We felt high vibration at two places in that house. The one room where Ajit’s son died and he himself committed suicide. The other room was present at the backside of the house. It was Lalaji’s room, the head of family, who was also a widower.
We asked Raju why the room of the head of family was at corner of the house. First he hesitated, then smiled, he said that he was widower, although he was a good person but he was fond of women. This was the reason that he stayed in a room which was at the distant corner which also had two separate entries. While corresponding, we were getting regular Goosebumps, like something is confirming and witnessing us.
We wanted this conversation to appear casual, so we cracked casual jokes. He told that Lalaji’s younger son Surjit was aware of his father’s habits. But he never resisted his father as he was of jolly nature and being younger son, he was very dear to his father. Ajit was unaware of it. Raju told that his father was also close to Lalaji, so he was also aware of his habits.
Raju told Ajit had no kids even after 10 years of marriage, while Surjit had four male children. Lalaji used to tell Ajit not to worry about this, take interest in business and work hard and consider Surjit’s kids as his own. He told that my father often discuss this thing at home with my mother that how Lalaji can easily say this thing to consider other’s kid as his, its okay to love them but for whom he will need to work hard in business.
I asked Raju, were the ladies of this family know this thing. He said no, the ladies of this family were always kept away from such discussions and matters. Lalaji was strict in discussing anything with the ladies of the house.
It was almost 5:00 pm, I changed the topic, and asked him if he takes hard drink. First he denied, later he said he takes sometimes but no one knew about it even in his own family. He can’t take now because he have to face Biji and then to go back to his home.
I told him don’t worry, we are not going home and are going to stay here today. He jumped with shock and said ‘Here, at this place having no light, no water no good place to rest’. I said if you want to help this family, than we have to face this hard situation. He agreed but his face was upset.
I was going to be dawn soon, so Naresh, with the help of him, cleared some place to rest and sit. We were having lights and other equipments with us. I told Naresh to arrange food and water for dinner including some good branded liquor for him.
It was around 9:00 pm, we found a knock on the main gate of the property. When we reached, two Delhi Police constables were standing there may be someone has called them to know what is happening at that abandoned property. We somehow managed to convince them that we are just having fun at this place we will leave soon after finishing drinks, and it is with the permission of the owners of that place. Raju makes them to talk with Biji and she confirmed our presence. We offered them drink and dinner but they were loyal to their duty and went back.
I know that it was going to be a long night, so we brought dinner in form of snacks. After the police left, I told Naresh to make small drink for Raju and for him to accompany him. Naresh knew the protocol, he continued. After they started, I asked him that were the males in family used to consume alcohol. He said Lalaji do, but sometimes Surjit too consumed from his bottle silently. Once Lalaji came to know this but they both have shared secrets of each other. So no one knows that Surjit use to consume liquor.
I asked him that as Surjit was of jolly nature, he then must be placing jokes on Ajit, having no kids. He first staired my face, as if I have asked him a wrong question. But in a part of second, laughed a loud and said ‘Yes, he makes many jokes on him’ even before Lalaji and his father.
Raju told that he had heard from his father that they should not make fun of his problem. Surjit usually tells Ajit not to worry about the nominees of our assets, we have four nominees. You only need to work hard to make more assets for them. He said that his father can feel the pain on Ajit’s face even with loud laughs.
I felt that the vibrations of that place were changing. I suddenly started feeling suffocation at that place. Our conversation was hurting someone and I need to stop it for some time.
I took a break to normalize, leaving them there. I was realizing that I am being followed by something. Some parts of that place suffocate me while entering while some were normal. I knew that I was being guided but was confused. With Quantum technique, I considered the normal parts of that place as a right way for me. I started marking the parts that suffocates , me with cross to get the exact way to reach there where something was supposed me to go.
It was a way to Lalaji’s room. It was a clear indication and my self-styled instruments were also supporting these indications. I felt the strong smell of Paan & Supari.Later, after that I didn’t got any signs or indications. It was around 1:30 at night. They both were done with it. I asked driver does anybody in this family was fond of having Pan & Supari. He stood up and indicated his finger towards the photo of Sangmitra. Suddenly, some forced wind entered the place and discarded all the photos that were displayed on table by us
It was a disturbing and fearful incident for all of them. Raju whispered that Sangmitra was a Bengali lady, she was from same cast but they were love married. She was very fond of Paan and Supari.
The vibrations of that place were getting horrible; we noticed sounds of dropping objects. I considered leaving that place for then. We left for our hotel by nearly 2 o’ clock. I told Raju to stay with them in hotel but he told that the occurrence there has normalized all his alcohol. He will go to his home and in morning he will come to hotel to pick us up. He took my car and we were on our bed at hotel.
Next morning, we got ready by time, Raju was there to pick us up at hotel’s gate. We again left for that place. It was same as we left last night.
I followed the marked places and reached to the Lalaji’s room. I was not confirmed but my instinct said that we were close to our starting point. A search was to be made there. The old almiras were full of damp paper and clothes. During search, I found a rolled bundle of papers in the cloth bag. They seemed to be some legal documents typed with old type writer. They were wills. I opened and started analyzing.
According to date wise, the first Will signed by Lalaji, where both brothers Ajit and Surjit were declared equal nominees of all his assets. The second signed Will, where only his younger son Surjit was declared as the whole nominee. The third signed Will, where again both brothers Ajit and Surjit were declared as equal nominees of all his assets. There was also a fourth unsigned Will, where all five grandsons Aakash, Subhash, Inderjit, Anil and Dev were declared as equal nominees of all his assets.
The fifth signed Will was already with the old lady, where his only Surjit was declared as the whole nominee and he was responsible to take care of his left over elder brother’s wife Sangmitra.
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